AC Nielson Case Study


In designing the Akshaya Patra’s school meal program we hoped to accomplish the following aims:

1. Increased enrollment in schools

2. Increased attendance in schools

3. Reduced dropout rate

4. Improved performance of students in class in terms of better attention span and academic progress.

5. Improved nutritional status of students

AC Nielsen Org Marg Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, one of the most reputed survey firms in the world, measured the impact of our work in the year 2006.

Impact on enrollment

In all of the centers surveyed, they reported a significant increase in enrolment. In places such as Baran, there was an increase of as much as 41% enrollment in Class 1 students during the first year of program implementation.

On an average, student enrolment in Class I increased by 23.3% during the first year of program implementation in all the centers measured.

Impact on attendance

Significant improvements in attendance were measured in the centers where the survey was conducted. Over all attendance in the schools measured increased by a total of 11.67%.

Even teachers and parents reported that more children are attending school after Akshaya Patra started its operations.

 “Absenteeism has drastically reduced after the introduction of these meals…”

 - Mrs. Bithi Rani Ghosh, Head Mistress, Upper Grade Minor Education School, Chandapur, Puri

Impact on performance of students

Close to 85% of Heads of institutions/teachers across all locations reported that the proportion of students getting higher grades has increased, while the proportion of students getting lower grades has reduced.

After having wholesome meal in the afternoon, the attention span and participation in classroom activities has improved for all students. As not all of these schools have a grading system, we are unable to provide comprehensive statistical data required.

Impact of TAPF midday meal on nutritional status

Around 78.2 % of all parents across all locations perceived that their child’s health had improved due to having the TAPF midday meal at school.

Acceptance of mid-day meal across students

Almost all students across all locations reported taking mid-day school meal everyday.


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